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Webfolio Creation Reflection

Building a web folio gave me a lovely break in the exam week. Since I had experience dealing with web builder like Wix. Creating my website is less daunting. Personal website is one of the most important things to “get right” in the career. This is a reflection of the way you view yourself and a platform to market yourself to companies and people. Creating a web folio requires design, patient and skills to enable audience to fetch the information they need to know about you.

The creation of web folio gave me a chance to look back on my previous assignments from the first week. Since I am a non-native speaker, I spent a lot of time polish my words and expressions for every single assignment. Comparing to other students, my writing may still look a bit like in primary school, but I know I did make a progress from those assignments. The most amazing part of this web creation was realizing how smaller pieces of hardworking added up to an amount that turns into a portfolio and hard work pays off at the end of the day.

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Self-Assessment Reflection

Having completed the course and the first semester now, I don’t believe I have come this far. This is my first semester at UBC, everything is new and challenging. I was crushed many times in the middle night, but eventually I come here and proud to say that I make it.

Over the course of this term, I developed a sense for writing with “You attitude” strategy in this course. In the last couple of peer reviews, I avoid using pronouns and replace them with suggestions with “ing” words which I ignored in the former peer reviews. The shift was difficult but it does change the style of my writing. I also improved my ability to write in professional situations like complaint letters, email memorandums, as well as the formal report.

There are some weaknesses the course highlighted as well. First, writing a scientific or analytic report is way more difficult than I expected. Since I am lack of knowledge to deal with primary data and had minor experience in English academic writing, the writing styles, tones and analysis are not appropriate for the first draft. The second weakness is I still struggled with avoiding using an active voice. When doing the peer review, I tried to cut down on the use of passive voice but sometimes it is natural to express on that way. I tried to do better in my revision.

While I was seeking a summer internship, this course has provided a foundation I can build on. For example, how to communicate from a business perspective and market yourself properly. Since I create my LinkedIn profile, I have over 50 friends now and I got an interview from one of the recruiters who viewing my page. This course will without a doubt prove helpful for my future career.

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